Auto ML - Machine Learning


Auto ML

Out of all the tools and libraries listed above, Auto ML is probably one of the strongest and a fairly recent addition to the arsenal of tools available at the disposal of a machine learning engineer

As described in the introduction, optimizations are of the essence in machine learning tasks. While the benefits reaped from them are lucrative, success in determining optimal hyperparameters is no easy task. This is especially true in black box-like neural networks wherein determining things that matter becomes more and more difficult as the depth of the network increases.

Auto ML- Artificial Intelligence Tools & Frameworks- edureka

Thus we enter a new realm of meta, wherein software helps up build software. AutoML is a library that is used by many Machine learning engineers to optimize their models.

Apart from the obvious time saved, this can also be extremely useful for someone who doesn’t have a lot of experience in the field of machine learning and thus lacks the intuition or past experience to make certain hyperparameter changes by themselves.


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