ClimaCell - AI Accurate Weather



Headquarters: Boston 

Founders: Shimon Elkabetz (CEO), Rei Goffer, Itai Zlotnik 

Funding: $80 million 

Valuation: $217 million, via Pitchbook

ClimaCell’s cofounders all had what CEO Shimon Elkabetz describes as “life-threatening experiences due to poor weather forecasts” while serving in the Israeli military, inspiring them to try to find a way to make predictions more accurate. The company uses vast quantities of nontraditional data—like signals from cellphones, internet-of-things devices and street cameras—to issue hyperlocal “street-by-street, minute-by-minute” weather forecasts. More than 150 corporate customers, including JetBlue, the New England Patriots and ride-sharing service Via, are shelling out for its real-time predictions. 


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