REV.COM - AI transcription service

Headquarters: Austin, TX

Founder: Jason Chicola (CEO), David Abrameto, Mark Chen, Paul Huck, Dan Kokotov. 

Funding: $31 million

Valuation: $206 million

In June, transcription service said that its tests show that its word error rate on podcast transcriptions was lower than what Google, Amazon or Microsoft’s tools produced. While developers can buy access to that completely automated speech recognition engine, its network of freelance transcribers also use it to make their client work easier and faster. CEO Jason Chicola says this hybrid approach leads to higher- quality, cheaper transcriptions. “Language is incredibly complex—think accents, mumbling, arcane terminology, bad microphones, background noise,” says Chicola. “Humans are far, far better at making judgment calls for these real-world factors.”


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