
Showing posts from February, 2023

What is AI written by AI?

Tech is in an acceleration mode and AI will be even faster! 

single ideal rotational speed where efficiency is at its peak.

Despite huge developments in materials science and metallurgy, today’s electric motors, whether they’re tiny or enormous, share that same exact basic design.  And with that design come limitations.  One of the biggest limitations is the efficiency curve. Every electric motor has a single ideal rotational speed where efficiency is at its peak.  It’s at that speed that the motor puts out the most torque for the energy invested. Spin it faster or slower, and the power-to-energy-invested ratio begins to drop off.  When this drop-off takes place, not only is energy lost to inefficiency but resistance and heat increase as well.  With added heat comes additional wear and tear and a shortened service life.  Engineers have been living with this limitation from the very beginning of the story of the electric motor.  They’ve invented transmissions to minimize the effects, but in the end, more add-ons only complicated the mechanism, adding yet more inefficiency to the overall system.  By precisely


  Murf Topping our list of best AI tools for business is the text speech generator Murf, which is one of the most popular and impressive AI voice generators on the market. Murf enables anyone to convert text to speech, voice-overs, and dictations, and it is used by a wide range of professionals like product developers, podcasters, educators, and business leaders.  Murf offers a lot of customization options to help you create the best natural-sounding voices. It has a variety of voices and dialects that you can choose from, as well as an easy-to-use interface. The text to speech generator provides users with a comprehensive AI voice-over studio that includes a built-in video editor, which enables you to create a video with voiceover. There are over 100 AI voices from 15 languages, and you can select preferences such as Speaker, Accents/Voice Styles, and Tone or Purpose.  Another top feature offered by Murf is the voice changer, which allows you to record without using your own voice as

Nuro - non-Human delivery via AI

  Nuro Headquarters:  Mountain View Founders : Jiajun Zhu (CEO), Dave Ferguson Funding:  $1.03 billion Valuation:  $2.7 billion After working for more than five years each on Google’s self-driving project, Dave Ferguson and Jiajun Zhu were done trying to ferry people around in autonomous vehicles. So, they ditched humans for local goods. Nuro’s driverless delivery vehicles have completed thousands of trips to shoppers through a partnership with Kroger in Texas. Shifting from people to pasta and Poptarts eliminates safety and technical constraints. “You can drive more conservatively because you don’t have someone inside the vehicle that’s getting frustrated,” Ferguson says.

Uptake - avoid failure using AI

  Uptake Headquarters:  Chicago Founders : Brad Keywell Funding:  $258 million Valuation:  $2.3 billion, via Pitchbook Uptake CEO Brad Keywell says his company is in the business of making sure things work, “whether it’s the U.S. Army’s Bradley Fighting Vehicle, or the components that make up Rolls-Royce’s fleet of market-leading engines.” It’s brought in more than 100 industrial customers on its way to a $2.3 billion valuation. With a huge database of machine failures at its disposal, the five-year-old company leverages artificial intelligence to analyze how its customers’ machines can run better and avoid these failures. “There is no more guesswork or operating blindly involved,” says Keywell, who cofounded Groupon before founding Uptake.

Dataminr - user tailored alerts

  Dataminr Headquarters:  New York City Founders : Ted Bailey (CEO) Funding:  $577 million  Valuation:  $1.59 billion, via Pitchbook Dataminr ingests public internet data, like social media posts, and uses deep learning, natural language processing, and advanced statistical modeling to send users tailored alerts. The company has more than 500 clients paying its subscription fees, including Amazon, CNN, and The United Nations, which uses the system to find early signs of potential humanitarian crises around the world.

Anduril Industries - Virtual Border Wall

  Anduril Industries   Headquarters:  Irvine, CA Founders : Palmer Luckey, Brian Schimpf (CEO), Trae Stephens, Matt Grimm, Joe Chen Funding:  $180 million Valuation:  Just under $1 billion Former Oculus cofounder Palmer Luckey is back after his dramatic exit from Facebook (he  has hinted  that the company fired him from the virtual reality unit for his political views,  which it denies ) with a defense technology startup called Anduril Industries, founded in 2017. The company makes a threat-detection system, using data from sensors mounted on towers, drones, and vehicles to create a real-time, 3D model of an area. It has contracts with the  Marine Corps  and  UK’s Royal Navy , as well as with Customs and Border Protection for what has been described as a  controversial “virtual border wall.”  Following  a report  that it became a unicorn after a recent fundraise, the company confirmed to  Forbes  that it now has $180 million in total funding and a near-billion valuation.

FundBox - company loans using AI

  Fundbox  Headquarters:  San Francisco Founders : Eyal Shinar (CEO), Tomer Michaeli, Yuval Ariav Funding:  $140 million  Valuation:  $750 million Fundbox has a data-driven take on lending that facilitates loans to small businesses rather than regular people. Founder Eyal Shinar says that seeing his mother, who ran a staffing agency, struggle with cash flow inspired the idea of advancing customers for outstanding invoices. A company that wants a loan through Fundbox connects their existing finance tools to its platform, which then uses these data streams to assess risk and either approve the loan or not. Shinar says that process can take as little as three minutes. 

Bright Machines - complex robotic arms

  Bright Machines  Headquarters:  San Francisco  Founder : Amar Hanspal (CEO), Tzahi Rodrig, Lior Susan  Funding : $200 million    Valuation : $679 million, via Pitchbook While factories have become increasingly automated over recent decades, Bright Machines believes that robotic systems are finally ready for primetime deployment. “Until now, the most complex operations in manufacturing have been too difficult for blind and dumb robots to perform with the same precision and fidelity as humans,” says CEO Amar Hanspal, adding that advances in computer vision and machine learning have changed the game. The company just released its first product in June: So-called “microfactories,” or closed systems with robotic arms that can complete tasks like inserting chips in a circuit board. 

Verkada - monitoring people and deliveries

  Verkada Headquarters:  San Mateo, CA Founders : Filip Kaliszan (CEO), Hans Robertson, James Ren, Benjamin Bercovitz Funding:  $59 million Valuation:  $540 million  Verkada  has only been selling its products for two years, but it has already boomed to a $540 million valuation and more than 1,200 customers. A lineup of cloud-connected security cameras equipped with AI-driven features like object and movement detection has driven growth at Verkada, whose cofounders are three Stanford computer science graduates and the cofounder of enterprise cloud company Meraki, which sold to Cisco for more than $1 billion. Among the company’s wide-ranging list of clients are fitness club Equinox, the $1.1 billion Vancouver Mall and more than 500 school districts, which use the cameras for anything from monitoring student safety to tracking food deliveries. It earned a spot on  Forbes’  list of  Next Billion-Dollar Startups earlier this year .

Standard Cognition - autonomous checkout AI

Standard Cognition  Headquarters: San Francisco  Founders: Jordan Fisher (CEO), Michael Suswal, David Valdman, John Novack, Brandon Ogle, Dan Fischetti, TJ Lutz  Funding: $86 million  Valuation: $535 million Goodbye, cashiers. Hello, cameras. Standard Cognition is working on an autonomous checkout system where shoppers can wander through a store, picking out goods and pay without scanning their items or interacting with an employee. Its overhead cameras track individuals and items continuously (notably, its so-called entity cohesion doesn’t rely on facial recognition, which it says gives shoppers more privacy). “We have essentially created autonomous checkout for everyone who is not Amazon,” the company says. Standard Cognition has opened a pop-up in San Francisco to show off its tech and says that it’s in “shadow mode” testing in several stores in North America. - customer relationship

Image   Oleg Rogynskyy of People Ai Headquarters:  San Francisco Founder : Oleg Rogynskyy (CEO) Funding:  $100 million Valuation:  $500 million, via Pitchbook CEO Oleg Rogynskyy says he’ll never forget the moment he realized how much time salespeople spend doing nonsales things. At the time, he was an early employee at a company called Nstein Technologies. “The COO of Nstein grounded the whole sales team for a week in a sweaty, windowless conference room to go and clean up our Salesforce,” Rogynskyy recalls. That week inspired him to address “bad” customer relationship management data head-on, he says. In 2016, Rogynskyy founded, which integrates into CRM systems like Salesforce and automatically inputs relevant data from email, calendars, Slack chats and more, and advises salespeople on the “best” tasks to focus on. VMware, Zoom, New Relic and Lyft are all customers. 

Matterport - 3D Models

  Matterport Headquarters:  Sunnyvale, CA Founders : Matt Bell, David Gausebeck, Michael Beebe (no longer active employee) - (CEO: RJ Pittman) Funding:  $115 million, via Pitchbook Valuation:  $355 million, via Pitchbook Matterport makes hardware and software for creating realistic 3D models. Its image processing technology, called Cortex, works with its own 3D camera, as well as a selection of cheaper 360-degree cameras, to let users create virtual versions of their space. The company’s leaning into the real estate market,  showcasing how agents can use it to give 3D tours.  

Brain Corp. - AI Machines

  Brain Corp. Headquarters:  San Diego Founders : Eugene Izhikevich (CEO), Allen Gruber Funding:  $125 million Valuation:  $240 million via Pitchbook Brain Corp. aims to upgrade dumb machinery with robotic software. It’s tackling the world of floor-cleaning equipment first, partnering with manufacturers to make their machines better at avoiding obstacles in busy environments. Walmart announced earlier this year that nearly 2,000 stores will be humming with BrainOS-powered cleaners by the end of 2019. “I have always dreamed of building artificial brains,” says neurobiology researcher and CEO Eugene Izhikevich. “Starting Brain Corp. gave me this opportunity.”

ClimaCell - AI Accurate Weather

  ClimaCell  Headquarters:  Boston  Founders : Shimon Elkabetz (CEO), Rei Goffer, Itai Zlotnik  Funding:  $80 million  Valuation:  $217 million, via Pitchbook ClimaCell ’s cofounders all had what CEO Shimon Elkabetz describes as “life-threatening experiences due to poor weather forecasts” while serving in the Israeli military, inspiring them to try to find a way to make predictions more accurate. The company uses vast quantities of nontraditional data—like signals from cellphones, internet-of-things devices and street cameras—to issue hyperlocal “street-by-street, minute-by-minute” weather forecasts. More than 150 corporate customers, including JetBlue, the New England Patriots and ride-sharing service Via, are shelling out for its real-time predictions. 

REV.COM - AI transcription service Headquarters : Austin, TX Founder : Jason Chicola (CEO), David Abrameto, Mark Chen, Paul Huck, Dan Kokotov.  Funding : $31 million Valuation : $206 million In June, transcription service said that its tests show that its word error rate on podcast transcriptions was lower than what Google, Amazon or Microsoft’s tools produced. While developers can buy access to that completely automated speech recognition engine, its network of freelance transcribers also use it to make their client work easier and faster. CEO Jason Chicola says this hybrid approach leads to higher- quality, cheaper transcriptions. “Language is incredibly complex—think accents, mumbling, arcane terminology, bad microphones, background noise,” says Chicola. “Humans are far, far better at making judgment calls for these real-world factors.”

Pymetrics - emotional and cognitive traits for careers AI driven

  Pymetrics   Frida Polli of Pymetrics Headquarters:  New York City Founders : Frida Polli (CEO)  Funding:  $56.6 million  Valuation:  $190 million, via Pitchbook Online recruiting platform Pymetrics helps companies find the right hires by looking beyond experiences and skills on a résumé. Its more than 80 enterprise customers, including LinkedIn, Accenture, MasterCard and Unilever have current, top-performing employees complete the platform’s set of assessments. Pymetrics gleans key emotional and cognitive traits for different roles so when job seekers apply to work at one of those companies and complete the challenges themselves, they’re paired with jobs that are the best fit. Companies can also use the platform for internal career development. “It makes the process more efficient with better outcomes and increases diversity tremendously,” says CEO and neuropsychology Ph.D. Frida Polli. Pymetrics open-sources its algorithm auditing tool, aimed at preventing its systems from reinforci

Bossa Nova Robotics - supermarket shelve AI analysis

  Bossa Nova Robotics Headquarters:  San Francisco  Founders : Sarjoun Skaff, Martin Hitch (CEO: Bruce McWilliams) Funding:  $76.57 million, via Pitchbook Valuation:  $179 million, via Pitchbook If you find yourself in a Walmart, keep your eyes peeled for a big, slow-moving robot gliding up and down the aisles. It’s the brainchild of robotics startup Bossa Nova and is rolling out to 350 stores around the country to help keep shelves well stocked. Its system reads price labels for discrepancies and finds gaps on shelves so it can alert workers about any problems. Chief technology officer Sarjoun Skaff says it has taken iteration after iteration since 2013 to figure out how to let its robots maneuver safely around shoppers and interpret billions of images in a way that was accurate, timely and reliable.

Tamr - clean and organize dirty data

  Tamr Headquarters:  Cambridge, MA Founders : Andy Palmer (CEO), Ihab Ilyas, Mike Stonebraker  Funding:  $73.5 million Valuation:  $155 million, via Pitchbook Data management company Tamr was born out of an MIT research project to apply machine learning to clean and organize so-called dirty data that’s incomplete or inconsistent. Andy Palmer was running data engineering at pharmaceutical company Novartis when MIT’s system was brought in to organize a decade’s worth of biological assay information spread across more than 15,000 tables. The technology worked so well that he and two of the researchers decided to start a company around it. “The only way to curate thousands of tabular data sources that are constantly changing is using an artful combination of machine learning and human expertise,” says Palmer, who is now CEO. In practice, that means that Tamr’s system automatically identifies sources of data across a company that could be useful together and then tags in an employee to ins

Insitro - vitro models of human disease

  Insitro Daphne Koller of Insitro Headquarters:  South San Francisco   Founders : Daphne Koller (CEO) Funding:  $100 million  Valuation:  $135 million, via Pitchbook Insitro aims to improve the drug discovery process. Founded by machine-learning veteran Daphne Koller, it creates  in vitro  models of human disease in its automated laboratory and then applies machine-learning models to predict possible effective therapies. It recently announced a partnership with drug maker Gilead Sciences, worth up to $1 billion, to help it find a treatment for a form of liver disease called nonalcoholic steatohepatis, or NASH. 

Affectiva - recognise emotions

  Affectiva  Headquarters:  Boston   Founders : Rana el Kaliouby (CEO), Rosalind Picard  Funding:  $53 million  Valuation:  $116 million Affectiva is trying to tackle the incredibly hard problem of  teaching software to recognize emotions based on facial expressions and voice. “There is no way that heuristic coding or a simple rules-based approach can capture all these complexities and nuance,” says cofounder and CEO Rana el Kaliouby. The company recently raised a fresh round of funding led by automotive company Aptiv with the hope that its technology could one day be integrated into smart cars (imagine a vehicle that could issue a warning to a drowsy-looking driver). In the meantime, it’s also being used to test consumer feedback on ads and TV programming.

Textio - recruitment job postings

  Textio Headquarters:  Seattle Founders : Kieran Snyder (CEO), Jensen Harris  Funding:  $29.5 million  Valuation:  $115 million, via Pitchbook  Seattle-based HR startup Textio helps companies make their job postings or recruiting emails more effective, suggesting language changes to increase the likelihood of responses. Because its 350 customers, including Spotify, Expedia and Johnson & Johnson, share their anonymized audience demographics as well as response rates, its system can help flag whether certain phrases appeal particularly to people of one gender or background.  A tool called Textio Flow, launched in April, can automatically produce whole paragraphs based on users’ notes about what they want to say. CEO Kieran Snyder likens the service to a superpower that helps users say “exactly what they mean, in words they didn’t even know they had.”

Rulai - Virtual Assistant

  Rulai  Headquarters:  Campbell, CA  Founders : Marc Vanlerberghe (CEO), Yi Zhang Funding:  $14.5 million Valuation:  $80 million While chat bots burst onto the scene with a lot of promise (remember how they were going to take over Facebook Messenger?), they never quite reached mainstream adoption, due in part to disenchantment with their limited scope and conversational rigidity. Rulai says its virtual assistants are different. While most bots run into trouble when users switch context or add tasks, cofounder Yi Zhang says that Rulai’s dialog manager models don’t get tripped up. “Virtual assistants need to handle the variation of natural language and the variation of conversation flows,” she says. Rulai has won over the likes of Lyft, Sanofi and Fidelity with its customer support, sales and employee productivity bots. 

Suki AI - admin tasks

  Suki AI Headquarters:  Redwood City, CA Founder : Punit Soni (CEO) Funding : $20 million Valuation : $65 million  Suki is built around the idea that administrative tasks are a significant burden for doctors, cutting into their time to focus on patients. To relieve that strain, the startup makes a voice-enabled digital assistant that doctors can use to take notes and fill in electronic records in real time. It has signed on several large health systems and provider groups, including Unified Physician Management and Ascension Health, and says that users average a 76% reduction in time spent completing clinical notes. CEO Punit Soni says that its digital assistant goes “far beyond” voice-to-text software, recognizing context and becoming more personalized the more doctors use it. “Suki was born with a mission to bring joy back to medicine,” he says. 

Lilt - AI Translator

  Lilt   Headquarters:  San Francisco Founders : Spence Green, John DeNero  Funding:  $12.5 million, via Pitchbook  Valuation:  $29.5 million, via Pitchbook Lilt makes human translators better at their job. Cofounder John DeNero spent several years as a senior research scientist for Google Translate, learning the strengths and limitations of autonomous translation. Instead of relying solely on machines, Lilt can churn out better translations, faster, for the likes of HBC and Zendesk by equipping freelancers with machine translations and predictive typing tools. - stroke victims  Headquarters:  San Francisco Founders : Chris Mansi (CEO), David Golan  Funding:  $21 million Valuation:  Unknown aims to reduce the number of stroke victims who don’t receive the right treatment in time. Its software cross-references CT images of a patient’s brain with its database of scans and can alert specialists in minutes to early signs of large vessel occlusion strokes that they may have otherwise missed or taken too long to spot. It sells its suite of products to hospital networks and medical institutions, including Mount Sinai in New York and Swedish Health System in Denver.

H20: Open Source AI Platform, Sparking Water

  H20: Open Source AI Platform H20 is an open-source deep-learning platform. It is an artificial intelligence tool that is business oriented and helps them to make a decision from data and enables the user to draw insights. There are two open-source versions of it: one is standard H2O and the other is paid version Sparkling Water. It can be used for predictive modeling, risk and fraud analysis, insurance analytics, advertising technology, healthcare, and customer intelligence.

Open NN - analytics

  OpenNN Jumping from something that is completely beginner friendly to something meant for experienced developers, OpenNN offers an arsenal of advanced analytics. It features a tool, Neural Designer for advanced analytics which provides graphs and tables to interpret data entries.

Auto ML - Machine Learning

  Auto ML Out of all the tools and libraries listed above, Auto ML is probably one of the strongest and a fairly recent addition to the arsenal of tools available at the disposal of a  machine learning engineer .  As described in the introduction, optimizations are of the essence in machine learning tasks. While the benefits reaped from them are lucrative, success in determining optimal hyperparameters is no easy task. This is especially true in black box-like neural networks wherein determining things that matter becomes more and more difficult as the depth of the network increases. Thus we enter a new realm of meta, wherein software helps up build software. AutoML is a library that is used by many Machine learning engineers to optimize their models. Apart from the obvious time saved, this can also be extremely useful for someone who doesn’t have a lot of experience in the field of machine learning and thus lacks the intuition or past experience to make certain hyperparameter changes


  CNTK CNTK allows users to easily realize and combine popular model types such as feed-forward DNNs, convolutional nets (CNNs), and recurrent networks (RNNs/LSTMs). It implements stochastic gradient descent (SGD, error backpropagation) learning with automatic differentiation and parallelization across multiple GPUs and servers. CNTK is available for anyone to try out, under an open-source license. 

PyTorch - Python

  PyTorch     PyTorch is an AI system created by Facebook. Its code is accessible on GitHub and at the present time has more than 22k stars. It has been picking up a great deal of energy since 2017 and is in a relentless reception development.